Silver Academy of Music (SAM) grand opening
"For the Joy and Dream of Music". We have witnessed the moment of achieving the dream today – the born of Silver Academy of Music (SAM). It's proud to be the partner and the branding team of SAM who aims at providing quality and extraordinary music education to children and youths. Thank you all the guests for coming and supports. From now on, there is one called "SAM" who will become your music buddy in every children's world of music. Let's cheers for SAM! www.sammusic.asia

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Infoday 2016
"DARE TO DREAM, READY TO ACHIEVE". The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Infoday 2016, opening on 24 September, is on the move...

The Neighborfarm Coworking Business Centre grand opening
July 19, 2015 was the grand-opening day of NeighborFarm (毗鄰共享) – it is a business centre / co-working space, locating in Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong. It also serves as a platform to expand your business network.
It was our honor to be the chief designer for the corporate brand image of NeighborFarm, which included the brand story, logo, name cards, wall graphics, signage, stationery and etc.

SJ Ballet des Arts grand opening
We were invited to the grand opending of SJ Ballet des Arts – a well-equipped ballet dance school located in Tsim Sha Tsui, on June 29, 2015.
Mr Song Hai Feng (宋海峰) – the founder of SJ Ballet des Arts, who has been dancing since his infancy and been ranked as the 1st-rate China National Dancer.
Ms Jin Yao (金瑤) – the Artistic Consultant of SJ Ballet des Arts. She is a well-known dance performer around the world, who also won numerous awards (i.e. Best Artist of the Year from the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards in 2010) in this industry.
We were honoured to design the brand identity of this school. For project details, please visit http://www.matissedesign.hk/pro/project_content.php?project_id=105

A new exploration to Jinan (濟南), Shandong in China
SmartHK is a signature event of Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) which aims to connect Hong Kong’s service providers with potential clients on the Chinese mainland, including the manufacturing and retail sectors. This year, the event was held at Jinan, Shandong and it offered us an invaluable opportunity to grasp first-hand information of the mainland market and our expand business networks. Leo (Founder of Matisse) also had a chance to share with audiences our company background, philosophy and the experience of brand identity design on stage during the event.

Feeling fresh after a sharing session at HKUST ~
It’s our pleasure to get invited by HKUST (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) and held a sharing session with the students, who were interested to know more about graphic design. Our topic was “Professional practice of graphic design”, and we talked about some design process of our projects in depth so that the students could get to know more. Great feedback received and hope to meet them again in the nearer future.

Starting from zero, the brand logo design of the ready-to-born enterprise – NeighborFarm CoWorking Business Centre, is finally confirmed.
NeighborFarm CoWorking Business Centre, located in a grade-A commercial building in east Kowloon, is founded by a group of enthusiastic entrepreneurs who believe in "Sharing is Gain". They aim to share the networks and provide a well-equipped working space for startup businesses, so that their dreams could become reality. Matisse will be responsible for the whole brand image design for NeighborFarm.

Branding for startup companies sharing in the Savannah College of Art and Design – "From Invisible to Visible"
We collaborated with other professionals to deliver a presentation about the knowledge on company startup from branding, online marketing to compliance regulations and setup procedure in a U.S.A based design school - the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD).

2014 Van Gogh Museum Art Competition
"Matisse X Van Gogh" — Matisse was happy to be the visual promotion support for the 2014 Van Gogh Museum Art Competition, organized by Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam and VG Association.

Rebranding project for the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong (CMA) 香港中華廠商會 has kicked off.
We are honoured to announce that Matisse is commissioned to redesign the visual identity of the CMA which was an industrial organisation established since 1934 and it’s now one of the most representative industrial associations in Hong Kong.

